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In this tutorial, I cover a simple method of scattering particles on an animated character, and binding them so the particles follow the movement of the character's animation. We then take it a step further, and interpolate procedural splines among the neighbor particles, and simulate physics on the resulting splines in a secondary flow. The resulting splines are bound to the original scattered particles, and are affected by gravity and motion physics of the animated character.

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In this tutorial, we cover a fun method of transferring particles from within one shape to another using the TyBoolean and TyMesher modifiers in TyFlow. We then use the output mesh as a collider for our TyFlow simulation, and spawn physX-enabled voxel particles within the mesh to get a bead-like effect. This method can be used to create all sorts of interesting and satisfying effects.

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I've been feeling somewhat festive this holiday season, so I decided to rig up a nutcracker dude, and animate him smashing some chestnuts! So, he's become more of a SAVAGE NUT NINJA than a simple nutcracker, lol.

This video is more of a work session than a tutorial, but during the video I cover a basic character rigging method using the standard 3ds Max biped. We then skin our rig with a nutcracker doll model using the skin modifier, and adjust the skin weights. Once our character is skinned, we apply some animation, and set up a simple TyFlow configuration to allow our character to dynamically break some chestnuts that are thrown at him!

Check out the work session below!

I'll be posting the final animation to instagram, so check it out once it's live!

If you found the video to be helpful, please like/subscribe on YouTube, and let me know what you thought of it in the comments <3

Thanks for watching/reading, and I hope you have a great holiday!!

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